freelance writer


5 Ways To Find Good Jobs For Freelance Christian Writers

As a Christian you are not at any disadvantage when freelance writing is concerned. It is a profession that is open for people across all religion and region. All you need is good negotiation skills and the ability to adapt to the changing trends. Of course you will have to be a good writer but even a mediocre writer can evolve and become better. What is most important is the passion for writing a love for reading all that is available. Here are a few tips that will help a Christian writer in the profession of freelance writing.

Importance of building a reputation

In online contract based jobs you will never possibly meet your clients ad neither will they know you personally. The whole business is based on trust and liability so reputation is very important. When you join some of the web portals that offer assignments you will have to build your reputation slowly. Once you have enough work experience under your belt you can ask for better rates and get good quality work.

Tips to get you started:

  1. The first thing you will have to focus on is the portfolio. In this age of internet and smart phones, not having your own website is a serious mistake. You will have to build your own website and if necessary take help from a web developer and designer. Without the right website you will not be able to showcase your work and reach out to your client. Plus not having a website is a sign of unprofessionalism. List some of your published work in the website or you can even have some samples for potential clients to view.
  2. Hon your skills. You have to find out what you are good at. If you are a Christian you will have a good insight into the religion and also you will know more about the various rituals and religious symbolism. Use these points as your key strengths, if you are going to write for religious blogs.
  3. How much you earn is completely dependent on yourself. So do not compare it with your day job.
  4. But it can take a while before you get some serious dough. Patience in the early days will eventually pay off.
  5. Once you start getting assignment you will have to maintain deadline and stick to the instruction given by client. Also be prepared for rejections and to edit your work at a moment’s notice.

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