freelance writer


Is it hard to be a freelance writer?

Well the answer to that question is pretty much the same as the answer to the question of how long is a piece of string. Yes it can be hard to be a freelance writer and for a number of reasons. But if one or more of these reasons stops you from being a freelance writer, then the solution is pretty easy. Overcome that reason or fix that problem and the difficulty you had in being a freelance writer is no more. Here are some of the reasons why it is difficult to be a freelance writer.

  • You do not have much if any experience.
  • You do not have a portfolio of work you can display.
  • You do not have any testimonials from people for whom you have worked.
  • You do not have any qualifications or skills in the freelance writing area.
  • You do not know how to find employment as a freelance writer.

Now if one or more of these points applies to you, you need to do something about it. If one or more of these points applies to you then almost certainly it is hard for you to be a freelance writer. So as mentioned, fix the problem and make a difficult task easier.

If you do not have much experience it will follow that a number of the other points will also apply. Without experience you will not have a portfolio of work you can display and without a portfolio of work you won't have acquired any testimonials from people for whom you did work. So, how to fix this situation? While it is possible for you to develop a portfolio of work simply by working for yourself, there's nothing to stop you writing a series of articles for example on a variety of modern topics. You write the articles, you put them in your portfolio and hey presto there is your body of work.

It may also be possible that you have done writing work in the past but not as a freelance writer. For instance in your student days you may have written a number of essays. In fact it's almost certain that you will have written a number of essays. These can form part of your portfolio. And if you did well in writing these essays as part of your high school or college days, then the comments you got from the professor or teacher who marked your essays can become part of the testimonials from people who have reviewed your work. You see, already it's not as hard as it may seem.

And when we come to qualifications and skills in the freelance writing area, you should know that there are many agencies which offer simple exams and tests. If you join one or more of these freelance writer agencies, you can take these tests or exams and, once you pass, hey presto, you already have some qualifications and or skills.

Now it is difficult to believe that someone who wants to be a freelance writer doesn't know how to find employment. It is dead easy. Go online and using a search engine type in the words freelance writer jobs. You will be inundated with webpages which advertise work for freelance writers. So knowing all of this information and taking some positive steps, you may soon find it is not hard to be a freelance writer.


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